Characterization of the Uniformity and Stability of Resistive GlassTesting was performed on Resistive Glass to characterize resistance uniformity, resistance stability both at room temperature and over temperature change, voltage breakdown and chemical durability.
Mass Spectrometer Detectors and Inlet TubesCustom Mass Spectrometer Detectors and Inlet Tubes for use in Portable Security and Forensic Applications
As analytical instruments become smaller and more portable, it is crucial to good analytical analysis to have compact, high-performing detectors that will operate in a variety of environmental conditions, most notably poor vacuum. This paper presents a wide range of available d...
Custom MCPs for Analytical InstrumentsAll Photonis LongLifeTM MCPs are specially designed to provide longer lifetime with superior detection capability with pore sizes as small as 2μm. All Photonis MCPs can be ordered with an exclusive Extended Dynamic Range option that increases detection up to ten times versus traditional MCPs.
Design and Construction of a Benchtop High Resolution Atmospheric Pressure Resistive Glass Drift Tube Ion Mobility SpectrometerResistive Glass can be used to enhance ion throughput. This paper discusses the construction and test of an ion mobility spectrometer using Resistive Glass drift tubes and reaction tubes, and a unique Bradbury-Nielsen ion gate built using photo-etching technology. In this paper a DART ionization source was used for testing.
Development of Miniature Electron Multipliers for Use in Portable Mass SpectrometersTechnology advancements have allowed ion detectors to operate in poor vacuum conditions while still providing high gain, low noise, and long life. These detectors require little power and space, enabling high quality analysis in a truly portable instrument
Development of Novel Monolithic Resistive Glass Tubes wit Multi-Stage Capability for Use as a Reflectrons, Ion Guides and Collision CellsA new technology has been developed which enables single piece structures made of Resistive Glass to produce multiple linear stages. This advancement enables low cost, easy-to-clean single piece reflectrons, collision cells or ion guides to be produced.
Electronic Imaging DetectorThis paper discusses the use of a microchannel plate phosphor screen-based detector paired with a camera, which can capture images from the phosphor screen in real time. It can be used for VUV Spectroscopy, Imaging TOF or High Energy Physics Applications
LINCamUltra-Sensitive Time-Resolved Camera
LINCam is the quantum sensor solution for widefield time correlated single photon counting. The camera resolves x and y positions of individual photons as precise as a CCD with 1000 × 1000 pixels, together with 40 ps accuracy timing. Being paired with a pulsed light source LINCam turns any conventional fluorescence microscope into a powerful lifetim...
LINCam : Working principleWe present a detector system with a microchannel plate based photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) and its application for fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) in visible light. A capacity coupled imaging technique (charge image) combined with a charge division anode is employed for the positional readout. Using an artificial neural network's (ANN) computation model we are able to reconstruct the p...
SPAD LINCam comparisonA recent addition to the toolboxof super-resolution microscopy methodsis fluorescence-lifetime single-molecule local-ization microscopy(FL-SMLM).Thesynergyof SMLMandfluorescence-lifetime imaging microscopy(FLIM) combines superior imagere solution with lifetime information and can be realized using two complementary experimental approaches: confocal-laser scan-ning microscopy(CLSM) or &...
Experimental Evaluation of Resistive Glass Ion OpticsResistive Glass is formed into a Reflectron Lens and evaluated for resistance uniformity and directly compared to the performance of a stacked ring assembly Reflectron. Results show that Resistive Glass is well suited for making ion optics components that simplify cleaning and replacement.
HI-QE PaperBased on conventional S-20 processes, a new series of high quantum efficiency (QE) photocathodes has been developed that can be specifically tuned for use in the ultraviolet, blue or green regions of the spectrum. The QE values exceed 30% at maximum response, and the dark count rate is found to be as low as 30 Hz/cm2 at room temperature. This combination of properties along with a fast tempo...
High Dynamic Range Ion Detection Using Channel Electron MultipliersImproving the dynamic range of a channel electron multiplier to operate at high output current. The paper discusses the addition of discrete dynodes to a six-channel electron multiplier to achieve this operation and examines the effect on the lifetime of the detector.
HQE S20 Photocathodes in Photon Counting ApplicationsHigh Quantum Efficiency S20 Photocathodes in Photon Counting Applications
Improvements were done to a standard S20 photocathode that increase the quantum efficiency by up to 50%. Test results on a Chevron style MCP-PMT are presented.
Improved Lifetime and Performance for Your Mass SpectrometerThis article discusses how improvements to electron multipliers bring extended lifetime and higher gain for better mass spectrometer analysis.