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Channeltron Brochure

Whether it be environmental monitoring, developing new battery technologies, water quality assurance, ensuring the safety of our medicine or monitoring our health – accurate, sensitive, and reliable quantification is the cornerstone of modern analytical science.


Brochure/Leaflet 3.68 Mo pdf


FieldMaster™ Brochure

FieldMaster™ Resistive Glass Products control the speed and direction of ions by generating a uniform electric field.

Brochure/Leaflet 279.75 Ko pdf


High Collection Efficiency MCPs

Hi-CE MCPs were tested using MCP-PMTs from Photonis. These Hi-CE MCPs were able to collect 90% of photoelectrons from the source, whereas traditional MCPs typically collect only about 50%. Hi-CE MCPs are particularly useful in applications where sub-ns time resolution is not required. Implementing Hi-CE MCPs from Photonis can improve detection efficiency by almost a factor of two.

Brochure/Leaflet 564.11 Ko pdf


Neutronic[i] Brochure

Neutron imaging and tomography is gaining ground as an imaging modality, owing primarily to its high contrast of light elements. It is indispensable, for instance, in research on sustainable technology such as battery development, hydrogen storage and fuel cells.

Brochure/Leaflet 3.53 Mo pdf


Microchannel Plate Brochure

For more than 40 years, Photonis has led the industry in electron multiplication products with our Microchannel Plate technology. Today, our Long-Life™ Microchannel Plates are setting the industry standard for performance and lifetime.

Our unrivaled expertise in designing and manufacturing MCPs ensures our customers receive the most sensitive and reliable amplification devices avai...

Brochure/Leaflet 2.73 Mo pdf


MCP-PMT LIDAR Applications

The Photonis MCP-PMTs enable detection from single photon to few Ghz in photon burst mode and few 100 MHz in continuous illumination thanks to the high linearity properties. Along with the extremely low dark rate it results in 8 orders of magnitude dynamic range.

Brochure/Leaflet 1.21 Mo pdf


Micro Pore Optic brochure

A compact and lightweight alternative to conventional X-Ray optics, the Micro Pore Optic allows a broad range of imaging options for UV, EUV and X-Rays. Photonis designed the Micro Pore Optic detector to be used in X-Ray imaging applications. Its perfectly square, fl at channels are optimized to allow X-Ray and UV photons to be focused or collimated due to the total external reflection at a ...

Brochure/Leaflet 1.6 Mo pdf


First demonstration of 3D optical readout of a TPC using a single photon sensitive Timepix3 based camera

The ARIADNE project is developing innovative optical readout technologies for two-phase liquid Argon time projection chambers (LArTPCs). Optical readout presents an exciting alternative to the current paradigm of charge readout. Optical readout is simple, scalable and cost effective. This paper presents first demonstration of 3D optical readout of TPC, using CF4 gas as a proof of principle.

Papers link


Observation of Nonclassical Photon Statistics in Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence

A cavitation bubble inside a liquid, under a specific set of conditions, can get trapped in an antinode of the ultrasonically driven standing wave and periodically emits visible photons (1,2). This conversion of sound to light phenomenon, known as sonoluminescence, can be seen with unaided eyes and occurs in multi- or single-bubble regimes. The sonoluminescence radiation spectrum analysis at...

Papers link


High speed imaging of spectral-temporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference

In this work we demonstrate spectral-temporal correlation measurements of the Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interference effect with the use of a spectrometer based on a photon-counting camera. This setup allows us to take, within seconds, spectral temporal correlation measurements on entangled photon sources with sub-nanometer spectral resolution and nanosecond timing resolution. 

Papers link


Opal™ Segmented STEM Detector

The Opal detector comprises a segmented, PIN silicon diode sensor, a preamplifier for each segment and a retraction mechanism.

Brochure/Leaflet 266.2 Ko pdf


Optical Receiver Brochure

Photonis’ Optical Receiver is a high speed optical detector that is suitable for fast optical signals in the green to ultra-violet spectral range. The Optical Receiver module is also suitable for operation in vacuum environments.

Brochure/Leaflet 263.55 Ko pdf


Resistive Glass Product Brochure

Photonis Resistive Glass technology creates uniform electric fi elds that direct or guide charged particles within a rigid glass structure. The patented process creates an integral semi-conductive layer which can be manufactured into capillary inlet tubes, monolithic refl ectron lenses, collision cells or drift tubes to preferentially attract either positive or negative ions. With Photonis’ ...

Brochure/Leaflet 2.26 Mo pdf


Stripline MCP Brochure

Photonis’ Stripline Microchannel Plates capture high speed sequential images through the use of an electrode strip manufactured on the surface of each piece.

Brochure/Leaflet 155.99 Ko pdf