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Performance Characterization Of A Simultaneous Positive and Negative Ion Detector For Mass Spectrometry Applications

Recent advances in shadow mask and laser ablation technology have opened up new possibilities for making compact segmented detectors.The active area of the microchannel plate can now be effectively partitioned into multiple areas offering specific performance capabilities. Separate areas could be effectively biased to preferentially detect either positively or negatively charged particles.

Papers 862.24 Ko pdf


Quantum Sub Miniature MCP Detector

The Development of a Micro-Miniature Microchannel Plate Based Detector For Mass Spectrometry Applications

Papers 612.32 Ko pdf


Raising the Bar on Electron Multiplier Operation at Elevated Pressures

This paper explores the boundaries of electron multiplication for amplification at pressures above 1x10-4 Torr. Using gain, voltage and dark current measurements in differing multiplier geometries, the maximum operating pressure as a function of voltage and detector gain is presented.

Papers 366.87 Ko pdf


The Development of a High Speed Detector for Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy has become the most widely used technique for identifying very large organic molecules. Recently, companies have started designing table top and portable TOF-MS instruments as the market has shifted. In this presentation, you will learn more about the origins of Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry and how our detectors support these instruments.

Papers 1.48 Mo pdf


The Development of a Novel Cold Electron Source

Microchannel Plates can be modified to function as spontaneous electron emitters. These electron generators are created by altering the microstructure of the MCP channel, so that spontaneously emitted electrons can be produced, causing cascading secondary electrons. The emission current can be varied over a broad range.

Papers 231.46 Ko pdf


The Development of Novel Resistive Glass Technology to Simplify and Improve Designs in Analytical Instruments

A new proprietary reduced led silicate glass can be made into geometric glass structures. The glass has resistive properties and can create a very uniform electric field to more effectively guide or attract charged particles. The glass can also have thin film metallization points. These geometric structures can be used for drift tubes, ion guides, collision cells, reflectron lenses and more.

Papers 3.89 Mo pdf