Open application

Be a part of our team and make a difference. Develop your skills and achieve your professional goals!


Be a part of our team and make a difference. Develop your skills and achieve your professional goals!

1 seul fichier.
Limité à 40 Mo.
Types autorisés : pdf.
1 seul fichier.
Limité à 40 Mo.
Types autorisés : pdf.
Cette question sert à vérifier si vous êtes un visiteur humain ou non afin d'éviter les soumissions de pourriel (spam) automatisées.

The information collected by Exosens is subject to data processing intended to respond to your request for contact or request for information.

In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978 amended several times, in particular by the GPDR, we invite you to consult our Confidentiality Policy, which will indicate all the useful information on how we treat and protect your data, your rights in relation with them (access, modification, deletion, opposition to processing, etc.), the purpose of the data collection, how to get more information, etc.

We are using reCAPTCHA in order to prevent automated services (called bots) to perform abusive activities on our website.
In this respect, by using reCAPTCHA you understand and acknowledge that hardware and software information, such as device and application data, is collected and transmitted to Google, headquartered in the United States. Information collected as part of your use of this service will be used by Google to improve the reCAPTCHA functionality and for the purposes of general security. We invite you to review the Google Terms of Service.